Monday 4 November 2013

Exhibition Development

I have chosen to develop a response to the landscape by using natural seascapes and coastal landscapes as my inspiration, based on images and sketches that I recorded on a trip to the beach and pine woods. I made the decision to work on a larger scale then I ever have before (in acrylics), which is why I chose to use A2 paper for these pieces. I started by giving each piece a simple composition, in watered down acrylics, responding to the photographs that I took at Ainsdale Beach. When I returned to the beach, the weather was extremely windy and dark, I found that the clouds were very heavy and full of rain. I used lots of dark greys and slate blues, to convey this in the painting. I used many layers for this painting because the colours of the sand were very difficult to capture in the acrylic paint that I used. I wanted to use many layers for this piece because I wanted to clearly show that there was a background, mid-ground and foreground. This meant that I had to work in a particular order, starting with the sky, then moving onto the grass/dunes, the sand and beach itself and then when all of the painting is dry I painted the fences to make them stand out from the paper.

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